Mission Work
Welcoming and affirming, this congregation is a member of the Presbytery of Long Island, in the Synod of the Northeast, of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Through these governing bodies the members of the Westhampton Presbyterian Church join with Christians everywhere in the work of Christ’s Church.
Mission has been and continues to be an integral part of who we are. Our Mission Committee strives to help the members of our congregation be the arms and legs of our Savior in this place. The Committee oversees the projects, designation of mission funds, and promotes the various special offerings as chosen by the Session. Minutes for Mission are scheduled during the Sunday service to keep the congregation informed about our mission outreach.
Members do hands-on ministry In several East End ministries such as Maureen’s Haven, East End Hospice and Habitat for Humanity. In addition we have an adult work camp that has focused its attention at The Stony Point Center in the lower Hudson Valley. We support a variety of international, national, and regional programs both within and outside of our denomination, such as Tim and Gloria Wheeler, missionaries in Honduras, Church World Services, Luyano Presbyterian Church in Cuba, the Long Island Council of Churches, Brighter Tomorrows, the Eastern Farm Workers , NANA’S House, and the Padaquohan Medicine Lodge at the Shinnecock reservation. We also organize and participate in an annual local CROP Walk.
Each year we invite a special speaker for World Communion /Peacemaking Sunday. Recently, we have had speakers from Egypt and Honduras as well as from the Long Island Council of Churches do presentations both during the service and afterwards. This year we are especially excited to host a peacemaker from Syria for four days over the first weekend in October.